Certificate in Cannabis Law offered by McGeorge School of Law
With medicinal and recreational legalization of Cannabis across many states in the US, it has become critical that anyone interested in the business seek legal counsel to understand both the federal and state laws.
Did you know the national marijuana industry will reach $13.3 billion in 2020?[1] It is also projected to create 283,422 new jobs by the year 2020 [2], making the cannabis industry one of the most rapidly growing industries in the country. But it doesn’t stop there. It is estimated that the growth of the cannabis market will continue to increase and reach $24.5 billion by 2025 – and that number is based only on states that have already legalized marijuana.[3]
What does this mean for attorneys? The opportunity to represent this industry is growing rapidly and the need for attorneys specializing in Cannabis Law is exponential. But how should an attorney educate and prepare themselves to be invaluable in this growing field? Courses have been developed to address the legal, regulatory, business, and ethical issues related to cannabis law at the state and federal level. But where does one start?
We found a program that touches on many of the aspects that legal professionals need in order to develop expertise around cannabis law. McGeorge School of Law just announced a relaunch of their Certificate in Cannabis Law, and with some recent changes to their Ethics components, this certificate is built to educate and prepare Attorneys to guide and represent cannabis businesses in this new industry.
Like all McGeorge programs and courses, the Certificate in Cannabis Law is designed so that attorneys can apply learning directly in their current practice, earning CLE credits along the way. The certificate is comprised of five asynchronous, self-paced courses that include the Fundamentals of Cannabis Lawyering, Cannabis Business Law, Cannabis under Federal Criminal Law, The Constitution of Cannabis Law, and Property Issues in Cannabis Law.
The Academic Program Team consists of distinguished faculty, attorneys, and experts alike, with experience across all avenues of law and cannabis legalization, including: Michael Vitiello, Distinguished Professor of Law; John Sprankling, Distinguished Professor of Law; and Francis J. Mootz III, Professor of Law.
Find out more about the current practices and laws in the white paper “Legalizing Marijuana: A View from Among the Weeds”. Click here to receive your copy.
[1] New Frontier Data: U.S. Cannabis Market Creates 283,422 Jobs by 2020, New Frontier Data (Feb. 22, 2017)
[2] New Frontier Data, supra note 1.
[3] Melia Robinson, Legal Marijuana Could Overtake Manufacturing in Job Creation by 2020, Business Insider (Mar. 3, 2017, 1:45 PM),
supra note; Report: America’s Marijuana Industry Headed for $24 Billion by 2025, The Cannabist a (Feb. 22, 2017, 6:00 AM)
+ Subject to ABA acquiescence.