Fastcase Alliance with the Practicing Law Institute Adds Case Law Links to PLI Plus Platform

PLI LogoAll United States federal and state case law citations are linking to Fastcase documents as the result of an alliance between the Practicing Law Institute (PLI) and Fastcase.


The Practicing Law Institute, which developed the PLI Plus platform, is one of the premier CLE providers in the United States. The PLI PLUS platform now connects to primary law, powered by Fastcase links. As part of the PLI PLUS platform, links to primary law will continue to evolve and extend to regulations and statutes. 


In December 2017, PLI announced that they were not renewing their agreement with Bloomberg Law. That alliance had given PLI Plus subscribers access to primary law such as cases from Bloomberg. Bloomberg was able to offer subscribers access to a library of selected secondary source materials from PLI.


PLI Plus subscribers’ access will be limited to retrieving the full-text documents related to each individual link. Providing direct access to the primary sources streamlines the research experience by allowing researchers to move seamlessly from secondary to primary source content and back again as needed in the research process.


The current PLI/Fastcase alliance will not extend to making PLI secondary source content available on Fastcase —at this time.


An important piece of this ongoing development has been the forging of  alliances with Hein Online, Lexblog, and Wolters Kluwer to add treatises and commentary as well as developing their own Fastcase imprint “Full Court Press.”



Congratulations to PLI and Fastcase!


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