Gmail Labs Launches Mail Goggles
Most employees here at Fastcase use Gmail as their personal webmail service. One of the more interesting aspects of Gmail is the Labs playground where Google posts new projects before their release — you can add and test out features that appeal to you.
One new feature, dubbed “Mail Goggles” was just added to the labs list. Mail Goggles will prevent a user from sending an e-mail during the late evening hours unless the user is able to successfully answer a challenge question. These challenge questions consist of simple math problems that could prove perplexing to the intoxicated. (Question: is this a big enough problem at Google to call for this solution?) See an example of the challenge screen below:
Interested in preventing yourself from sending embarrassing emails to your ex, co-workers, friends or parents? To enable Mail Goggles go to setting, select labs and then enable Gmail Goggles.
Source: Gmail Blog