State Bar of Texas Announces Free Briefs and Pleadings Library in Partnership with Fastcase

Active Bar Members Gain Free Access to Nationwide Docket Alarm Library of Briefs, Pleadings, and Motions in the Fastcase Research Library in First-of-its-Kind Agreement


AUSTIN, TX and WASHINGTON, DC (March 1, 2022) – Fastcase and the State Bar of Texas are partnering to provide all active State Bar members free access to Fastcase’s 63 million briefs, pleadings, motions, and orders powered by Docket Alarm within the Fastcase legal research platform.


Since 2014, State Bar of Texas members have received unlimited access to Fastcase’s nationwide legal research content service for free as a bar member benefit. In renewing their long-term association with Fastcase, State Bar of Texas and Fastcase leaders committed to building a practice workflow solution that will enrich the resources available for members. This expanded member benefit gives Texas lawyers unprecedented free access to additional litigation pleadings through Docket Alarm.


The expanded Docket Alarm briefs, pleadings, motions, and orders partnership is the first between Fastcase and its bar association partners. The initiative will become a model for other state bar providers that are growing with Fastcase and its expanding vision of aligning research to workflow.   


“Fastcase has helping bar associations in its DNA. As we grow, members should get more and more for free,” said Phil Rosenthal, Fastcase Co-Founder and President. “When we merged with Casemaker last year, our goal was to reassure our partners and subscribers that pricing would remain intact and that bar members will continue to be at the center of our mission as Fastcase grows to become the leader in state research, analytics, and workflow.”


“We are excited to expand the free legal research services available to Texas lawyers through our Fastcase member benefit,” said Sylvia Borunda Firth, 2021-22 State Bar of Texas President. “This expansive, nationwide collection of state and federal briefs, pleadings, motions, and orders will enhance lawyers’ practices and help them better serve clients.” 


Bar members can access the additional resources by logging in through the bar’s website at with their existing username and password.


Beyond the traditional legal research libraries, bar members will now gain access to the Docket Alarm briefs, pleadings, motions and orders (“BPMO”) directly within Fastcase. Docket Alarm’s BPMO is a collection of more than 63 million case filings across state and federal trial courts, including sample motions, as-filed briefs, and new complaints in Federal and state cases filed in counties across the United States. It also includes nonfinal orders from judges on procedural motions, an important guide to practitioners. Docket Alarm’s BPMO is actively updated with thousands of new documents added every day.


Docket Alarm BPMO is one piece of Docket Alarm’s full litigation search, tracking, analytics, and calendaring platform. Texas Bar members can easily upgrade their Docket Alarm BPMO accounts into full Docket Alarm accounts on a monthly or annual basis, to track cases, setup client alerts, and search across a collection of over 617 million actively updated court, agency, and IP dockets.


Legal researchers can extend their capabilities in Fastcase by opting in to integrated products, such as Full Court Press publications, data analytics and docket updates via Docket Alarm, bankruptcy and workflow tools through NextChapter, lawyer directory information from Modern Attorney, and legal news via Law Street Media, plus access to licensed secondary materials through the ABA and other publishers.



About the State Bar of Texas
The State Bar of Texas is an administrative agency of the Supreme Court of Texas that provides educational programs for the legal profession and the public, administers the minimum continuing legal education program for attorneys, and manages the attorney disciplinary system. For more information, follow the State Bar of Texas on Twitter at @statebaroftexas or visit


About Fastcase

Fastcase is a comprehensive legal intelligence company, founded in 1999 and based in Washington, D.C. Partnering with the bar associations in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, Fastcase serves more than 1.1 million lawyers from around the world. The company provides an innovative research suite of primary law, dockets, treatises, legal blogs, analytics, workflow tools, and legal news. For more information about Fastcase’s smarter legal tools, visit the company on Twitter at @Fastcase or

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Winner of the prestigious American Association of Law Libraries (New Product) Award, Fastcase for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone is used by more attorneys than any other legal app according to the ABA. Anyone may use the app for free to access Fastcase's comprehensive legal research database on the go.

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