Washington State Bar Association Partners with Fastcase
Members Gain Free Access to Leading Legal Research Library
Seattle, Wash. and Washington, DC (Jan. 15, 2019) – Today, Fastcase announced a partnership with the Washington State Bar Association (WSBA) that will provide free access to Fastcase’s nationwide legal research system for all of its active members.
Beginning in early 2019, the WSBA’s almost 40,000 members will receive complimentary access to one of the largest law libraries in the world. Since 2005, the WSBA has provided its members with access to Casemaker as a legal research member benefit. In February, all active WSBA members will also enjoy free access to Fastcase’s full legal research platform.
The subscription is comprised of a comprehensive nationwide law library available online anytime, anywhere. When the benefit is kickstarted, members will be able to access Fastcase through the WSBA website at www.wsba.org where they will be able to log in with their WSBA license information.
The research benefit includes unlimited research, printing, webinar training, and reference support; it is not restricted by time or number of transactions. The service also includes industry-leading mobile apps and unlimited live, free customer support from experienced reference attorneys on the Fastcase team.
“An ongoing goal of the WSBA is to enhance the value-added benefits we offer to our membership,” said Bill Pickett, president of WSBA. “By adding Fastcase to our suite of member benefits, WSBA members have another option to conduct high-quality legal research.”
The new member benefit provides access to Fastcase’s extensive legal library of state and federal caselaw, as well as comprehensive coverage of statutes and regulations, at both the state and federal level. This includes Fastcase’s industry-leading advanced technology to make legal research smarter and easier, including its patented Interactive Timeline view of search results, “Forecite” to suggest cases researchers may have missed, and Bad Law Bot, the leading algorithmic tool to identify negative case treatment.
Legal researchers can extend their capabilities in Fastcase with the opportunity to purchase access to exclusive integrated products, such as Full Court Press publications, data analytics and docket updates via Docket Alarm, and artificial intelligence tools within the AI Sandbox, plus access to licensed secondary materials through James Publishing and Wolters Kluwer/Aspen/CCH.
Thirty-two state bar associations and dozens of metro, county, and specialty bar associations offer Fastcase’s smarter legal research tools as a free benefit to members. Many of the largest law firms in America subscribe to Fastcase, as well as American law schools and leading corporate counsel. Through these partnerships, Fastcase is made available for free to more than 900,000 lawyers, nearly three-quarters of all lawyers in America.
“Fastcase was founded in 1999 with the mission of democratizing the law and making legal research smarter, so it is especially fitting that we have partnered with such an innovative bar association as we enter our twentieth year,” said Fastcase President Phil Rosenthal. “We welcome the WSBA and invite its many tech-savvy members to enjoy our advanced visualization tools and analytics as we make legal research smarter together. This partnership brings us closer to ensuring that all lawyers in America have access to the best legal research tools whenever they need them.”
About the Washington State Bar Association
The Washington State Bar Association operates under the delegated authority of the Washington Supreme Court to license the state’s nearly 40,000 lawyers and other legal professionals. In furtherance of its obligation to protect and serve the public, the WSBA both regulates lawyers and other legal professionals and serves its members as a professional association—all without public funding. The WSBA’s mission is to serve the public and the members of the Bar, to ensure the integrity of the legal profession, and to champion justice.
About Fastcase
As the smarter alternative for legal research, Fastcase democratizes the law, making it more accessible to more people. Using patented software that combines the best of legal research with the best of Web search, Fastcase helps busy users sift through the clutter, ranking the best cases first and enabling the re-sorting of results to find answers fast. Founded in 1999, Fastcase has more than 900,000 subscribers from around the world. Fastcase is an American company based in Washington, D.C. For more information, follow Fastcase on Twitter at @Fastcase, or visit www.fastcase.com.