

Handwriting Apps and the Tablet Explosion

                A handwriting app on MacNewsWorld  caught our attention this week. Chris Maxcer reviewed the Touchwriter HD application from Aesthology for the iPad. This and other handwriting applications have been
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Read the Opinion Denying Former Enron CEO’s Conviction Appeal

In its April 6 decision in U.S. v. Skilling, the 5th Circuit denied former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling’s conspiracy conviction appeal. A summary of the counts he was convicted of
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Interactivity in Museums

Spring is finally here and, at Fastcase, we eagerly anticipate the explosion of color that will soon follow. While being outside might offer some of the best views (we are
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The Joke’s on Google

Whether you fell for this year’s widespread April Fools’ joke or not, Google’s “latest feature” Gmail Motion, someone else may be getting the last laugh, according to TechSpot. The University of Southern
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Who Owns Your Genes? Part II

Can our genes be patented? More importantly, what consists of a change that is significantly patentable? In a follow up to last year’s blog entry regarding the case Association of
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Calendar Science: Increasing Efficiency

Many of us at Fastcase are followers of David Allen, author of “Getting Things Done” (referred to as “GTD” in some of the geeky circles we travel in) – a 259
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Music to Our Ears

Breaking the long established order is not only happening within the bounds of legal research. Through the Internet, the music publishing industry is once again feeling the pressure provided by
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Bigger than the Big Game: NFL faces off with the NFLPA

cc licensed flickr photo shared by Anderson Mancini With the NFL mediation talks happening just blocks from Fastcase headquarters at the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services, we couldn’t help but
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Notable Morning Stories …

Interested in a Palm Pre? Check out Engadget’s Review~ Engadget 2 U.S. Journalists on Trial in N. Korea~ The New York Times What makes a good search engine name?~ BBC News
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Starbucks Wins Dismissal of $86 Million Labor Law Verdict

Starbucks shift supervisors rejoice! A California appeals court has ruled you can keep your tips. Starbucks also will avoid an $86 million dollar judgement against them for allowing shift supervisors
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#1 Legal Research App

Winner of the prestigious American Association of Law Libraries (New Product) Award, Fastcase for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone is used by more attorneys than any other legal app according to the ABA. Anyone may use the app for free to access Fastcase's comprehensive legal research database on the go.