

Congress on Sotomayor: A Very Brief History

Mitch McConnell: “I opposed her nomination yeas ago…I’m taking a fresh look.” Diane Feinstein: She has respect for abortion precedent. Harry Reid: She has “an underdog appeal.” Jeff Sessions: Looking
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Fastcase Webinar for the Illinois State Bar Association, June 4th

Attention all ISBA members, register today to learn all about your member benefit along with some great how-tos, tips, and tricks for using Fastcase. Click here to register for your
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Case Spotlight: California Supreme Court Opinion Upholds Prop. 8 Same-Sex Marriage Ban

The California Supreme Court has upheld the same-sex marriage ban of last year’s Proposition 8 in a 6-1 decision. The Court unanimously agreed to let stand marriages that predated the
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Some “Facebook Discovery” is Illegal According to Recent Advisory Opinion

The Philadelphia Bar Association recently issued an opinion stating that it is unethical to have a third party friend a witness on Facebook for the purpose of gaining information about
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Could You Pass Professor Obama’s 1996 Constitutional Law Exam?

As you know, Barack Obama used to lecture at the University of Chicago.  Have a look the Constitutional Law Exam that Barack Obama gave in 1996. The full exam is
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Reality TV Comes to the US Congress: CNN to Document Two Freshmen Representatives

Now you can  watch freshman Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO) and Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) get acquainted with life in DC. You can watch the “Freshman Year” video on Read
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Report Shows Media Freedom Down Worldwide

A report out by NGO Freedom House finds that “negative trends” outweigh “positive movements” in almost every world region including the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, and North Africa. 
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Fastcase Webinar for the Illinois State Bar Association, May 7th

Attention all ISBA members, register today to learn all about your member benefit along with some great how-tos, tips, and tricks for using Fastcase. Click here to register for your
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Fastcase Webinar for NACBA, May 6th

Attention all NACBA members, register today to learn all about your member benefit along with some great how-tos, tips, and tricks for using Fastcase. Click here to register for your
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Local Governments Using Kelo to Condemn Property Despite State Law

You’ll recall that when the new, broader standard for government takings came down in Kelo v. City of New London, states rapidly passed legislation limiting such takings (see a map
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#1 Legal Research App

Winner of the prestigious American Association of Law Libraries (New Product) Award, Fastcase for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone is used by more attorneys than any other legal app according to the ABA. Anyone may use the app for free to access Fastcase's comprehensive legal research database on the go.