

Legal Precedents for Black Friday Stampede

Should Wal-mart have anticipated a greater need for security measures during  Black Friday? That is the legal question that the Nassau County district attorney will attempt to answer when bringing charges against
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Netherlands to Cap High-Income Severance Pay

The Cabinet recently endorsed legislation in the Netherlands which will amend the Dutch Civil Code to put a ceiling severance packages for those making EUR 75,000 or more per year.
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Notable Morning Stories …

Over 90 detained in unauthorized opposition protest in Moscow.~ RIA Novosti Europe moves toward compromise on copyright for musicians.~ International Herald Tribune  No word on auto bailout “for a while”.~
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European Union overregulated says new EU President Mirek Topolanek

Mirek Topolanek is the current Czech prime minister, and he takes over the six-month EU presidency on January 1st, 2009. For the first time leading the Union, the Czechs will
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Lawdable Quotes: Fancis Bacon

Decided cases are the anchors of the law, as laws are of the state. ~ Francis Bacon
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Lawdable Quotes: Anacharsis

Written laws are like spiders’ webs, and will like them only entangle and hold the poor and weak, while the rich and powerful will easily break through them. ~ Anacharsis
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The U.K. May Charge Johns With Rape

Men who pay for sex with women who have been trafficked or forced into prostitution could face a rape charge. Other new proposals set out by the U.K.’s Home Secretary
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Lawdable Quotes:Aristotle

At his best man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst. ~ Aristotle
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DUI Flashlights And Legal Rights

Along with the joy of holiday celebrations comes an increase in DUIsĀ on the roads. This season, a new legal dilemma reared its perky head with the use of some of
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Notable Morning Stories …

Russian MP says Arctic shelf ‘historically’ belongs to Moscow.~ RIA Novosti  US car bail-out fails in Senate.~ BBC News Korean Peninsula nuclear talks end with chairman’s statement.~ Xinhua Australian police
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