

Bank Failure, the FDIC, and your IOLTA Account

The Texas Bar homepage is linking to a memo about the heightened and ongoing importance of monitoring client trust accounts.  Check it out for a refresher on how your clients’
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Lawdable Quotes: Washington Irving

Young lawyers attend the courts not because they have business there but because they have no business anywhere else.        ~ Washington Irving
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Lawdable Quotes: Louis Nizer

In cross-examination, as in fishing, nothing is more ungainly than a fisherman pulled into the water by his catch.        ~ Louis Nizer
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Lawdable Quotes: Heraclitus of Ephesus

Abundance of knowledge does not teach men to be wise. ~ Heraclitus of Ephesus
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Lawdable Quotes: Sophocles

There is a point at which even justice does injury. ~ Sophocles
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Notable Morning Stories …

Role of Ex-NFL Lobbyist in Push to Curb Online Gambling Faulted~ The Washington Post Say hello to Gmail voice and video chat~ Official Gmail Blog Taiwan ex-president arrested in graft probe~ Reuters
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Child Support in Brazil: Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Under a new law in Brazil, the supposed father of an unborn child must pay child support during pregnancy.   He must also help fund special diets and medical expenses
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Try Fastcase for Free!

Try Fastcase for 24 hours – it’s easy to sign up, completely user-friendly, and free!  Do it in three easy steps: 1. Enter your name and email address here.  
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Ancient Documents: The Athenian Constitution

Source: The Athenian Constitution via the Avalon Project
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Ancient Codes: The Twelve Tables

(Image sourced from Wikimedia Commons … learn more about creative commons licensing here ) Source: The Twelve Tables via The Avalon Project 
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