

Courts Address Sleeping Disorders

American’s suffering from sleep disorders can rest easy now that the D.C. Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of considering the disabilities under the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973
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Mattel Proclaimed Victor in Barbie v. Bratz

A recent lawsuit involving copyrights and intellectual property pitted one infamous toy maker against another. Mattel, an American icon known for its Barbie doll created in 1959 sued MGA Entertainment,
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Lawdable Quotes: Robert Frost

A successful lawsuit is the one worn by a policeman. ~ Robert Frost
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Lawdable Quotes: Frank Murphy

Jury service is a duty as well as a privilege of citizenship; it is a duty that cannot be skirted on a plea of inconvenience or decreased earning power. ~
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What Would You Do for an Extra 500K?

As the economy continues to look somewhat less than vigorous, Americans have become more creative in their ways to save a few bucks and make a little more. Whether it’s
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South Korea Tests Trial by Jury

After last year’s reforms, intended to bring greater accountability and public confidence to the South Korean judicial system, citizens are just beginning to notice their jury duty letters in the
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Ex-Yukos Chairman Seeks Early End to Imprisonment

Former Russian business tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky will seek early parole for his 2005 imprisonment on charges of tax evasion. Khodorkovsky was the chairman of Yukos Oil company, previously Russia’s largest,
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World Court Questions US Sentencing Methods

The United Nation’s high court has attempted to step in and stall the execution of a number of Mexican nationals currently on death row in the United States. Mexico asked
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Worldwide Knife Crime Survey

To diversify our posts on violent crime, which have focused on notable gun control cases in recent months, the Fastcase Blog today follows trends in knife crimes around the world.
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Spamming Gets Serious

Twenty- seven year old Adam Vitale of Brooklyn was sentenced to two and a half years in prison and ordered to pay fines of $180,000 after spamming over one million
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#1 Legal Research App

Winner of the prestigious American Association of Law Libraries (New Product) Award, Fastcase for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone is used by more attorneys than any other legal app according to the ABA. Anyone may use the app for free to access Fastcase's comprehensive legal research database on the go.