Alex Smith
Alex Smith is the Global Product Management Lead at iManage RAVN, which provides a suite of tools that allow firms to harness their collective knowledge. At iManage, he specializes in emerging topics such as workflow design, systems thinking, and content management. Alex’s influence in the legal tech industry goes beyond iManage, though – he is well-known for his contributions to legal tech discourse, popularizing trends like #IAbeforeAI (information architecture before artificial intelligence), which emphasizes that information architecture and data structure are necessary prerequisites before artificial intelligence tools can be fully developed and deployed. Prior to iManage, he worked at LexisNexis UK as well as Reed Smith, where he pioneered a client-facing innovation program to bring user-first design to the legal field. Alex has been a leader in demonstrating that AI isn’t magic and deflating unhelpful hype around new software systems, while quietly building and promoting real innovation through hard work.