Barry Simpson
Barry Simpson is the longest-serving executive director in the history of the Pennsylvania Bar Association. He was a pioneer in creating the Association’s free online legal research program and negotiated legal malpractice insurance plans for the benefit of PBA members. Barry has been an advocate for diversity in the bar association community and in the legal profession more generally. During Barry’s tenure as executive director, the PBA hired its first Diversity Officer, and he supported the efforts of the PBA Diversity Task Force, as well as the PBA Women in the Profession, LGBT Rights, Minority Bar and Civil and Equal Rights committees. He has long been a leader in the National Association of Bar Executives and the Pennsylvania Association of Bar Executives, where he has brought together the leaders of state, metro, and county bar associations to collaborate in serving the profession. In a time of great change, it’s extremely helpful to have experienced leadership, and Barry’s advocacy for the profession, in Pennsylvania and nationally, are an inspiration to bar leaders everywhere.