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Debra Slone

With the pandemic and economic forces pushing many into legal difficulties such as eviction or foreclosure, Debra Slone and her business partner (fellow Fastcase 50 2022 winner Sonja Ebron) decided to tackle the access to justice gap head on, founding Courtroom5. The move came after both Debra and Sonja faced difficulty in civil court, despite their savvy research skills – both hold PhDs and have taught as college professors. The site, founded in 2017, offers members access to courses, workshops, and other case-tracking tools for pro se litigants that make the legal process less daunting. Debra brought a complimentary skillset to their partnership, armed with twelve years of experience as a public services librarian, she was well-equipped to communicate complex information to the public. In addition to Courtroom5, Debra also created Spectrum, a tool that standardizes visual displays of qualitative data.

#1 Legal Research App

Winner of the prestigious American Association of Law Libraries (New Product) Award, Fastcase for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone is used by more attorneys than any other legal app according to the ABA. Anyone may use the app for free to access Fastcase's comprehensive legal research database on the go.