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Erin Levine

As a family law attorney practicing in the Bay Area, Erin Levine quickly realized there was room for improvement in how the public accessed divorce services. With the cost of divorce reaching into the price range of a new car, clients needed an affordable way to understand the process with as little stress as possible. Enter Divorce Navigator, a streamlined application that takes self-represented divorce filers on a step-by-step journey using pragmatic tools, including a child divorce calculator, legal definitions, and flowcharts. Hello Divorce also offers avenues to professional help, with legal coaching and a complimentary consultation with a divorce expert at the time of sign up. A classic disruptor, Erin’s workflow tools have helped thousands of clients make it through a difficult time in their lives without unnecessary financial burden.

#1 Legal Research App

Winner of the prestigious American Association of Law Libraries (New Product) Award, Fastcase for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone is used by more attorneys than any other legal app according to the ABA. Anyone may use the app for free to access Fastcase's comprehensive legal research database on the go.