Femi Cadmus
It’s an age-old problem: legal information is often costly and difficult to access, but the law still affects everyone. A former international commercial law practitioner, Femi Cadmus now uses her role as one of the country’s most celebrated law librarians to fight for open access to legal scholarship and information. Femi is President-Elect of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), and one of the co-founders of LawArXiv, currently, the only non-commercial open access repository for legal scholarship. In the fall, Femi will take on a new role as the Archibald C. and Frances Fulk Rufty Research Professor of Law and Associate Dean of Information Services and Technology at Duke Law School, where we know she will continue to lead the legal information community with vision and passion. In her words, “The quintessential law library and librarian cannot only survive but can also thrive in the digital era by continuing to demonstrate value through the development of new services that satisfy user needs in a digital era.”