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Graham Smith-Bernal

Graham Smith-Bernal is the Mark Zuckerberg of British legal tech. Both young entrepreneurs dropped out of school and within a few years had revolutionized the way people communicate. Zuckerberg made codes that made social media social and Graham created technology that made the legal industry more digital. Graham left high school at 16 for a job as a court reporter and by age 24 he had created the UK’s biggest court reporting agency. He then devised one of the world’s first computerized court reporting and evidence management services, LiveNote, which became the widest used litigation support software. Although he retired briefly, Graham returned to the legal field in 2008 when he founded Opus 2, a London-based company that provides a cloud-based collaboration tool for lawyers, judges, and others to connect. Graham continues to alter the industry via technology, this time by helping courts and law firms to eradicate most of their dependency on paper documents by digitizing all elements of the legal process in easy to use technology.

#1 Legal Research App

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