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Ivan Fong

Former Deputy U.S. Attorney General Jamie Gorelick has said of Ivan Fong “I don’t think Ivan has a boat, but to use a boating metaphor, he has a great, great rudder.” Perhaps Ivan’s reliable rudder was never more important than in the early months of 2020. With 3M’s N95 respirators in unprecedented demand, Ivan had to navigate 3M through difficult waters with President Trump, who had invoked the Defense Production Act to prioritize federal orders for the respirators, while simultaneously asking the company to stop exporting them to Canada and Latin America. Ivan successfully navigated the situation, securing an agreement that allowed 3M to both import and export respirators and mitigate the significant PPE shortage crisis in the United States. Ivan is no stranger to working with the government, having served as General Counsel to the Department of Homeland Security and Deputy Associate Attorney General in the U.S. Department of Justice.

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