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June Liebert

June Liebert brings her extensive background in information management to bear as Director of Information Services at O’Melveny & Myers. Her impact on the legal world began before law school with an early interest in using computers for legal matters when she worked at a startup that created an early PC-based system for complex litigation case management, which was ultimately used by more than 40 law firms and 10 major corporations. Since then, June has held influential roles as CIO at University of Illinois Chicago’s John Marshall Law School and the University of Texas School of Law, Firmwide Director of Library and Research Services at Sidley Austin LLP, co-chair of the alumni board of the IU Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering. and Executive Board Member of AALL. She’s a frequent speaker on technology, data, and library management and also a prolific writer, co-authoring an influential article about link rot in US Supreme Court decisions that was published in the Yale Journal of Law and Technology.

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