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Lluis Faus

As global publishing companies began carving up the world’s legal information markets, Lluis Faus and his team at vLex began creating one of the world’s largest legal research libraries, with libraries from around the world. Today vLex has become a real contender in the global legal information market, and Lluis remains at the helm today. He successfully oversees a multicultural team across four continents, and he has created innovative new products such as Vincent, the company’s brief analysis tool, and Iceberg, its AI engine specifically trained on legal data. Lluis has proven his skill in creating growth, scaling teams, expanding geographically, creating new products and services, as well as via acquisitions. Every year, someone nominates an innovator so obviously a fit for the Fastcase 50 that we’re sure that we’ve honored them in the past – we correct that oversight by welcoming Lluis to this year’s Fastcase 50 class of honorees.

#1 Legal Research App

Winner of the prestigious American Association of Law Libraries (New Product) Award, Fastcase for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone is used by more attorneys than any other legal app according to the ABA. Anyone may use the app for free to access Fastcase's comprehensive legal research database on the go.