Maria Hall
Alongside her schedule as a working solo attorney, Maria Hall is the director of the Los Angeles Incubator Consortium (LAIC), an organization which helps newly-minted attorneys find their footing in the challenging world of solo practice. In its six years of operation, LAIC has graduated 60 lawyers who have gone on to launch their own practices in Los Angeles. These firms frequently serve clients of limited means who are often critically underserved by the legal profession. Maria’s work at LAIC is an important step in democratizing the law, supplementing legal education with business mentorship. Her background as an immigrant sparked her desire to learn immigration law, but she didn’t know much about starting her own business. Her experiences hanging out her own shingle – from opening business bank accounts to getting the right insurance and handling clients – fuel her passion to help those following in her footsteps in opening doors so others have access to justice. Maria also serves as a member of the Los Angeles County Bar Association’s Access to Justice Committee, and she is a board member of the Mexican American Bar Foundation.