Ming W. Chin
The son of Chinese immigrants, Ming W. Chin became the court’s first Chinese American justice in 1996, when he was appointed by Governor Pete Wilson. He authored more than 350 majority opinions during his time on the bench, leaving behind a distinguished judicial legacy. An early proponent of innovation, Justice Chin chaired the court’s Technology Advisory Committee for a decade, providing intellectual and administrative leadership to help the courts embrace technological change and expand access to justice. As one colleague put it, “When it comes to court technology, there has been no more consistent champion than Justice Chin.” A renowned expert on forensic DNA evidence, Justice Chin has led efforts to increase judicial training and education on scientific issues. He is also the author of two California practice guides published by the Rutter Group: Employment Litigation and Forensic DNA Evidence: Science and the Law. Colleagues describe Justice Chin as a continuing source of inspiration and a model of judicial excellence, intellectual clarity, and unwavering collegiality. As a colleague observed when the court paid tribute to Justice Chin before his final oral argument: “In every generation, the law depends on intellects like Ming Chin, to understand the evolving present and to help guide the law into its future. It is impossible to imagine the evolution of California law without the influence of Ming Chin – fortunately, we don’t have to.”