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Tony Mauro

Tony Mauro is a legal journalism icon. For 40 years he’s covered the U.S. Supreme Court, from its history, traditions, and major cases, to the records and recusals of the justices, as well as their personal lives and personalities beyond the bench. Tony has kept us informed on the lawyers and firms arguing cases before the highest court in the land and chronicled the major shifts of the Court over the past four decades from new appointees, retirements, and deaths to moving SCOTUS into the digital age. He has authored several books about SCOTUS and has chronicled the Court for USA Today, The Legal Times, and The National Law Journal. Tony advocates for Freedom of the Press, and in 2011 was inducted into the Freedom of Information Act Hall of Fame. As he retires from full-time coverage of the Supreme Court this year, Fastcase honors Tony Mauro for the insight and intelligence with which he has built an amazing career in journalism.

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