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Veronica Canton

Although she is barely out of law school, Veronica Canton is already making a huge impact on the legal profession. After working for several years on pro bono immigration cases for children seeking immigration protection via SIJS, asylum and stay of deportation or removal, Veronica became a partner at Impowerus, a company founded by fellow Fastcase 50 classmate Katelyn Ringrose and Notre Dame Law School students that connects juvenile immigrants to pro bono legal aid. Impowerus is a case management platform with secure video chat integration and practical features like time-tracking. In part because of Veronica’s work, Inc. magazine named Impowerus one of the “coolest college startups of 2018.” Aside from her time spent on Impowerus, Veronica has also demonstrated leadership as the Law Student Division President of the Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA). We can’t wait to see where her career goes next.

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