Corporate Antitrust Compliance: Disrupting and Dismantling Environments That Encourage Illegal Competitor Agreements

Full Court Press National Books New Arrivals
Author Nadine Jones
Publisher Full Court Press

This new text focuses specifically on compliance programs that seek to address criminal antitrust violations by examining factors that tend to contribute to the formation of illegal competitor agreements.


Nadine Jones is a seasoned executive who brings a wealth of diverse, legal, commercial, and compliance corporate experience. She has experience developing compliance programs to address risks in a variety of areas, such as antibribery/anticorruption, trade compliance, third-party vetting, conflicts of interest, and, of course, antitrust. Nadine has extensive experience in antitrust from her days in private practice from her days in private practice in Washington, D.C., when she served as Counsel to the Antitrust Modernization Commission; and, most recently, as VP for a multinational corporation.

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